Sweden Time World Time (Time Difference) Map Information

Time Zone

  • Time zone name: CET Central European Time
  • Time difference from Greenwich Mean Time: GMT+1

2025 Daylight Saving Time Information

  • Starts on Sunday, March 30 at 01:00 AM
  • Ends on Sunday, October 26 at 01:00 AM.

Time difference between Sweden and Japan

Japan time GMT+9010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324
Sweden GMT+1171819202122232412345678910111213141516
Sweden Summer181920212223241234567891011121314151617

Office Hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm.)

Daylight Saving Time (DST) Summer Time

Observance as of 2025

CountryDST startDST end
United StatesMar. 9,(Sun) 02:00 amNov. 2,(Sun) 02:00 am
CanadaMar. 9,(Sun) 02:00 amNov. 2,(Sun) 02:00 am
EuropeMar. 30,(Sun) 01:00 amOct. 26,(Sun) 01:00 am
RussiaMar. 25,(Sun) 02:00 amOct. 28,(Sun) 03:00 am
New ZealandSep. 28,(Sun) 02:00 amApr. 6,(Sun) 03:00 am
AustraliaOct. 5,(Sun) 02:00 amApr. 6,(Sun) 03:00 am
Brazil Oct. 17,(Sun) 00:00 amFeb. 21,(Sun) 00:00 am
Western (WET) GMT+0, Central (CET) GMT+1, Eastern (EET) GMT+2, Moscow GMT+3
China Time GMT+8123456789101112131415161718192021222324
Western Europe (WET) GMT+0171819202122232412345678910111213141516
Central Europe (CET) GMT+1181920212223241234567891011121314151617
Eastern Europe (EET) GMT+2192021222324123456789101112131415161718
Moscow GMT+3202122232412345678910111213141516171819
Western Europe (WET) Summer181920212223241234567891011121314151617
Central Europe (CET)Summer192021222324123456789101112131415161718
Eastern Europe (EET) Summer202122232412345678910111213141516171819
Moscow summer202122232412345678910111213141516171819

Business hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

  • Daylight saving time (DST), also known as daylight savings time or daylight time (United States and Canada),
  • Summer Time, (United Kingdom, European Union, and some others),
  • summer time Daylight saving time and summer time is the practice of advancing clocks (typically by one hour) during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time. The typical implementation of DST is to set clocks forward by one hour in the spring ("spring forward") and set clocks back by one hour in autumn ("fall back") to return to standard time. As a result, there is one 23-hour day in late winter or early spring and one 25-hour day in the autumn.
  •  United States and  Canada - daylight saving time starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November, with the time changes taking place at 2:00 am local time. With a mnemonic word play referring to seasons, clocks "spring forward, fall back" - that is, in springtime the clocks are moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. and in fall they are moved back from 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daylight saving time lasts for a total of 34 weeks (238 days) every year, about 65% of the entire year.
  • Most areas of the United States and Canada observe daylight saving time (DST), the exceptions being Arizona (except for the Navajo, who do observe daylight saving time on tribal lands), Hawaii, and the overseas territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 established the system of uniform daylight saving time throughout the US.
  •  Europe - in all locations in Europe where summer time is observed (the EU, EFTA and associated countries), European Summer Time begins at 01:00 UTC/WET (02:00 CET, 03:00 EET) on the last Sunday in March and ends at 01:00 UTC (02:00 WEST, 03:00 CEST, 04:00 EEST) on the last Sunday in October each year; i.e. the change is made at the same absolute time across all time zones.
  •  Russia - Observed DST in 1917–1919, 1921 (some areas), and 1981–2010. In 2011–2014, used permanent DST. In 2014, left permanent DST and switched to permanent standard time.
  •  Brazil - Observed DST in 1931–1933, 1949–1953, 1963–1968, and 1985–2019.
  •  Australia - Daylight saving starts each year at 02:00 am on the first Sunday in October, and ends at 03:00 am on the first Sunday in April.
  •  New Zealand - Daylight saving starts each year at 02:00 am on the last Sunday in September, and ends at 03:00 am on the first Sunday in April.